Structured water, also called magnetized or hexagonal water, refers to water with a cellular structure that forms a hexagonal cluster. Structured water is found naturally in mountain springs, glacier melt, and other sources of water that have been untouched by human processes. Magnetizing water reduces the surface tension of the water making it feel softer, thinner, wetter, and more absorbable like natural water in nature.

How long does water stay structured?
Structured water remains structured until something de-structures it. It is stable until it touches pollutants or chemicals that are strong enough to disorganize the molecules.
Health benefits of structured water
Structured water is known to have health benefits on every cell function of the body. There is great evidence from several research studies that suggest consuming energized structured water promotes cellular healing throughout the body.
Energized structured water recharges the liquid battery (water) of the body. When the body has sufficient energy, its aqueous interior is highly charged allowing optimized cellular and metabolic health.
More benefits of structured water
Assists in detoxification
Aids in good digestion
Greater hydration
Helps in restoring body systems
Improves skin complexion
Reduces constipation
Promotes longer life
How to use structured water
Drink structured water throughout the day.
Heat (never boil) structured water to make your favorite hot drinks for a noticeably better and smoother taste.
For healthier plants, water with structured water.
Give structured water to your animal friends for happier and healthier pets.
Where to find low cost structured water magnets
Available at Infinity Wave Center gift shop